Restorative conflict management and environmental education in kindergarten practice

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Mária Bodnárné Fülöp


In the whole society, at the level of smaller communities and individuals, we experience countless controversial situations every day. There is an increasingly pressing need for alternative solutions to collisions. Education and training institutions must play a prominent role in presenting conflict management methods. The reason for this is that there are countless opportunities to learn and practice these techniques in the community. With conscious, planned pedagogical influences in the kindergarten, we can achieve that the positive personality traits formed during the arrangement methods permanently shape the children’s character. The purpose of my publication is to present the suitability, methods and results of conflict management with a restorative approach in kindergarten. I share the experiences of my work as a kindergarten teacher.

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How to Cite
Bodnárné Fülöp, M. (2023). Restorative conflict management and environmental education in kindergarten practice. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(3), 98–104.


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