Taboo topics and their appearance in contemporary Hungarian fairy tales

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Lilla Csőgér


In my study, I map the taboo contents and phenomena appearing in contemporary Hungarian fairy tales. Using the method of triangulation, I investigated the issues of taboo in children’s literature with a qualitative research process, focusing on the availability of stigmatized content in specialized literature, as well as the concept, functions, and possible causes of the appearance of taboo – making an attempt to clarify conceptual contradictions. With the help of the interviews prepared for the research, the parent questionnaire and the content analysis, I mapped the choices of parents regarding children’s literary works, the main focus of which is dealing with educational situations considered delicate. Divided into areas, the thesis reviews the demand for storybooks dealing with taboo topics, as well as the demand for quality literature, as well as the adaptive formation and adaptation of book publishing. The presented problem areas can provide clues for the planning of future educational research.

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How to Cite
Csőgér, L. (2023). Taboo topics and their appearance in contemporary Hungarian fairy tales. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(3), 112–128.


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