Analysis of genetic structure of some native turkish goat breeds by 20 microsatellite markers
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Genetic diversity, genetic relationship and bottleneck were evaluated in Angora, Kilis, Honamli, Hair and
Norduz goat breeds using 20 microsatellite markers. Analyses revealed that the average number of alleles per
locus (15.65 allele/locus) and levels of heterozygosity (0.5192–0.9400) were fairly high. The calculated
overall FIS value for all populations was 0.03656 ± 0.033 and it was not significant. All the populations were
in the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Gene exchange among populations was consistently high, its rate being
Nm = 8.07 migrants per generation. According to FST values, a medium level of genetic diversity was found
between the Angora goat breed and other breeds. Among the other breeds, genetic diversity was low and this
diversity was statistically significant. Results of various analyses, such as allelic variation analysis,
heterozygosity analysis, F statistics, STRUCTURE test and factorial correspondence analysis, indicated that
the Angora goat breed is different than the other goat breeds. Furthermore, analysis showed that the other
native goat breeds could not be distinguished from each other; these breeds were grouped together. The
results obtained from the analysis of 20 microsatellite loci indicated that goat breeds other than the Angora
goat breed cannot be genetically distinguished from each other.
Norduz goat breeds using 20 microsatellite markers. Analyses revealed that the average number of alleles per
locus (15.65 allele/locus) and levels of heterozygosity (0.5192–0.9400) were fairly high. The calculated
overall FIS value for all populations was 0.03656 ± 0.033 and it was not significant. All the populations were
in the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Gene exchange among populations was consistently high, its rate being
Nm = 8.07 migrants per generation. According to FST values, a medium level of genetic diversity was found
between the Angora goat breed and other breeds. Among the other breeds, genetic diversity was low and this
diversity was statistically significant. Results of various analyses, such as allelic variation analysis,
heterozygosity analysis, F statistics, STRUCTURE test and factorial correspondence analysis, indicated that
the Angora goat breed is different than the other goat breeds. Furthermore, analysis showed that the other
native goat breeds could not be distinguished from each other; these breeds were grouped together. The
results obtained from the analysis of 20 microsatellite loci indicated that goat breeds other than the Angora
goat breed cannot be genetically distinguished from each other.
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How to Cite
Korkmaz Ağaoğlu, Özgecan, and Okan Ertuğrul. 2012. “Analysis of Genetic Structure of Some Native Turkish Goat Breeds by 20 Microsatellite Markers”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 1 (1. suppl.):321-27.