Maximal sustainable harvesting, as a method of raising the wildlife management’s incomes

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Bendegúz Mihalik


It is essential for wildlife management, as a sector of economy, to cover its own expenses and gain profit as well. Due to its special nature - since its resources are reviving, but limited - maximalizing the profit must be in line with sustainability of the management. The purpose of my research is the survey of its activities and analyzing the effect of different changes on the income. My calculations are based on data from the Hungarian Game Management Database (basic data from the yearly publications, and more detailed data used with special permit) and questionnaires. Using the data I calculated whether the raised harvest rate were biologically sustainable, and what the amount of the additional income would be. My results are the following: the suggested harvest rates don’t pass the maximal sustainable rate, so it can be used without lowering the populations, and almost 10% more income can be reached from game meat selling.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Mihalik, Bendegúz. 2016. „Maximal Sustainable Harvesting, As a Method of Raising the Wildlife management’s Incomes”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 5 (1-2):38-43.