Megjelent: 2023-12-12

The impact of lactic acid and ascorbic acid mixture on quality parameters of wild boar meat

Munkhnasan Enkhbold, Attila Lőrincz, Majd Elayan, László Friedrich, Attila Solymosi, Balázs Wieszt, Kornél Jáni, Adrienn Tóth


The effect of heavy metal-containing wastewater sediment on the microanatomical characteristics of the leaves and stem of Salix viminalis L.

Csilla Tóth, György Vincze, Katalin Irinyiné Oláh, Zsuzsanna Uri, Szabolcs Vigh, László Simon


Effects of high nutrient and heavy metal containing soils on some chemical and biochemical features of Sudan grass

György Vincze, Csilla Tóth, Zsuzsanna Uri, Katalin Irinyiné Oláh, Szabolcs Vigh, László Simon


Innovation in Hungarian aquaculture

Béla Urbányi, Zoltán Bokor, Julianna Kobolák, Emese Bozánné Békefi, Szvetlana Lengyel, Zsófia Tarnai-Király, Katalin Rákóczi, Rita Fekete


A review of the human wildlife conflicts around the Nairobi National Park, Kenya

Jocelyn Burudi, Krisztián Katona, Eszter Tormáné Kovács


The effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on the yield of different winter wheat varieties at four nutrient levels

Lajos Szentpéteri, Katalin Irmes, István Kristó, Attila Rácz, Marianna Vályi-Nagy, Melinda Tar


Does soil matter?

Helping biodiversity management in a solar park

Viktor Grónás, Márk Pálfi, Zsolt Biró, Csaba Centeri


Historical ecological research of the kurgans of Hajdúnánás–Zagolya-dűlő

Ádám Braun, Alex Bakodi, Dénes Saláta, Ákos Malatinszky, Attila Rigó, Ákos Pető


The feed preference of roe deer in different habitats

Tamás Barta, Szilárd Pinnyey, László István Beier
