Revival of Interest in the history of Hungarian Feminism – Stakes of Research and Academic Cooperation

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Judit Acsády


Before the [political] Transition in Hungary the history of feminism within the fields of history and social history was an almost completely neglected research topic. However, there existed a few publications on the antecedents of women’s movements, focusing mostly on the suffrage and labour movements.  In the years following 1990, a new feminist wave did emerge as the freedom of association became guaranteed and the free flow of ideas between the east and the west was no longer limited.  In Eastern Europe a new interest emerged in finding the feminist past of this region, in connection with finding identities in the new organizations –­ similarly to what was happening in women’s movements in other parts of the world.   The aim of this article is to direct attention towards understanding the motivations of feminists in writing the history if feminist movements, and the source of the new scientific interest in the subject. What could be the meaning, the purpose and the stake of writing feminist history in Eastern Europe? What kind of possibilities can be found for cooperation among the researchers of the field?

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How to Cite
Acsády, Judit. 2022. “Revival of Interest in the History of Hungarian Feminism – Stakes of Research and Academic Cooperation”. Interdisciplinary EJournal of Gender Studies 12 (1):100-116.
Author Biography

Judit Acsády, Eötvös Lóránd Scientific Network, Research Centre for Social Sciences

Acsády, Judit sociologist, senior research fellow at the Institute for Sociology at the Centre for Social Sciences. She received her PhD in Sociology in 2005, ELTE University, Budapest. Dissertation: ‘Emancipation and Identity’ (2005). Her main research fields include the history of feminism, (social networks of first wave Feminist Association in Hungary) the process of women’s emancipation, gender relations before and after the transition, social movements, ethics of care, and recently, gender related questions of climate change and sustainability. She has participated in several international research projects and has published journal articles and book chapters in several languages. She has also organized workshops and international conferences and is a member of the Editorial Board of TNTeF Interdisciplinary eJournal of Gender Studies.