La zona intermedia de la traducción Parte I. Questions, Dilemmas, Examples from the Translator's Workshop Based on Canto Jo I La Muntanya Balla by Irene Solà

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Krisztina Nemes


Translation is a par excellence cultural communication and translators are agents of cultural transfer by means of language. Literary texts provide the translator with a higher grade of freedom than any other type of texts because of the self-referentiality of art encoded in language. Decoding the original and creating a new body in a different referential system are individual hermeneutic acts of the translator. Deciphering an author’s world is a step closer to the heart of the source culture and an ever-open language-game. The challenges I met translating Irene Solà’s novel gave me a special insight to Catalan culture and the English, Italian and Spanish translations gave me the opportunity to study other translation strategies. This essay is the first in the series of traductography essays centred on the Catalan-Hungarian intercultural communication revealing the processes in the black-box of the translator’s mind that on the one hand can serve as a guide to Catalan culture and, on the other hand, as a basis for further translatology research.


Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Nemes, K. (2021). La zona intermedia de la traducción Parte I.: Questions, Dilemmas, Examples from the Translator’s Workshop Based on Canto Jo I La Muntanya Balla by Irene Solà. Acta Hispanica, (III), 89–100.
Biografía del autor/a

Krisztina Nemes, literary translator

Krisztina Nemes is a literary translator from English, Catalan, Spanish and French into Hungarian. She graduated as a History&English major from the University of Pécs and pursued her doctoral studies at the Doctoral Program in Contemporary and Comparative History at the University of Szeged. Her research topic was Catalan identity mirrored in Catalan literature as a depository and meeting place of History and Historical Memory. She was an associate professor at the Translation and Interpretation Department of Pannon University Veszprém. Lately, she has been dedicating herself mainly to translation of Contemporary Literature and works of Social Sciences, Humanities and Theology. Her actual research field is Cultural Studies from the point of view of Translatology.

Recibido 2021-07-31
Aceptado 2021-08-29
Publicado 2021-10-29


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