Current Trends and New Challenges of Migrants in Chile

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Gabriella Thomazy


International news often speaks about migration to Europe or to US. Very rarely do we hear about migration within Latin America. Chile is one of the countries chosen within the region among the people who want to find a better future and not only the most vulnerable groups are moving to Chile, but a part of these migrations are carried out by subjects of middle and upper strata, many with technical studies or higher. Chile is not prepared for this huge increase of migration in recent years. Old laws and small and ineffective changes try to prevent the collapse of the system. The main objective of this study is to verify what the current trends and new challenges of migrants are, suggest important changes, and deal with the problems of migrants in an environment where religion and language are generally the same or similar. Available statistics, Chilean legislation or other data allow to analyze trends and based on those the new challenges. Is it easier to find a new future within the region? Could Chile facilitate the labor integration of migrants?


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How to Cite
Thomazy, G. (2020). Current Trends and New Challenges of Migrants in Chile. Acta Hispanica, (II), 409–421.
Author Biography

Gabriella Thomazy, National University of Public Service, Budapest

Gabriella Thomázy es estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad Nacional de Servicio Público, Budapest. Tiene el título magíster en sociología (Universidad de Miskolc, Hungría) y magíster en gestión de recursos humanos (Universidad de Miskolc, Hungría), diplomada en gestión de bienestar en Organizaciones (Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile). Posee varios años de experiencia laboral en Chile entre ellos como directora de Recursos humanos – LATAM. Actualmente radicada en su país natal, en Hungría. 


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