Human Rights of Indigenous Communities. Colombia, Leader in Jurisprudential Developments

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Nadia Mejía Correa
Diana Lago de Vergara


From the Colombian Political Constitution based on human rights treaties and conventions, guarantees of formal equality before the law, and equity by way of inclusion or real equality, are provided to make the same and unequal equal to unequal ones. We have affirmative actions in addition to differential treatment systems for vulnerable communities that oblige both the executive and the legislator, and of course the judges, to establish aid and compensation for subjects who have traditionally and systematically been threatened or violated in their Rights. We critically analyze the concept of vulnerability especially of indigenous communities, which are the object of special Constitutional protection, and integral development between law and context, originating in declarations of “States of Unconstitutional Things”, so that the mandate evolves towards politics, and the decision judicial towards the context recognizing the prevalence of human dignity. We will integrate vulnerability with solidarity and its counterbalance to equality before the law, in "structural sentences", which order to guarantee guarantees. We inquire about concepts of modern state, and unitary state decentralized by ethnic territories that privilege self-government with agendas of recognition and integral reparation.


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How to Cite
Mejía Correa, N., & Lago de Vergara, D. (2020). Human Rights of Indigenous Communities. Colombia, Leader in Jurisprudential Developments. Acta Hispanica, (II), 447–455.
Author Biographies

Nadia Mejía Correa, University of Cartagena

Abogada en la Universidad de Cartagena, especialista en Comercial y Mecanismos Atenativos de Solución de Conflictos, Magister en Derecho en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, doctora en Ciencias de la Educación RUDECOLOMBIA, Universidad de Cartagena. Docente en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, asesora jurídica en el periódico El Universal de Cartagena. 

Diana Lago de Vergara, University of Cartagena

Professor at the University of Cartagena, Colombia. Director of the Doctorate in Educational Sciences University of Cartagena, Colombia. Doctor of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Master in Social Development Projects, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia. Specialist in Theories, Methods and Techniques of Social Research, University of Cartagena, Colombia. Bachelor of Social Work, University of Cartagena. Director of the Research Group RUECA-University Network Quality Assessment Chapter Colombia. Emerita researcher for life COLCIENCIAS -Colombia -2017


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