A New Wave of Regionalism?

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Mónika Szente-Varga


Change and crises in international constellations, in particular the growing competition between the People's Republic of China and the United States of America, as well as Russian aggression with the aim of redrawing the map of Europe, could boost the USA to improve its relations with the countries in the American continent, to secure its 'backyard'. A changed international context, including a friendlier and less interested United States in the region, if combined with better economic prospects and a post-covid situation, could lead to the strengthening and activation of Latin American and South American regional organizations, such as MERCOSUR, which will be the focus of this work. The article first reviews the existing works, defining the term South Americanization. Then, within this context, it presents the pros and cons of MERCOSUR for greater integration, also offering a brief analysis of the organization's relationship with the European Union. The last chapter provides the answers to the hypothesis raised in the introduction.


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How to Cite
Szente-Varga, M. (2022). A New Wave of Regionalism?. Acta Hispanica, 27, 209–219. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2022.27.209-219
Author Biography

Mónika Szente-Varga, National University of Public Service

Es doctora en Historia por la Universidad de Szeged (2005) y profesora titular en Ludovika - Universidad Nacional de Servicio Público (Hungría). Sus líneas de investigación se relacionan con la historia contemporánea de América Latina, historia de la guerra fría, nexos entre Hungría y América Latina, migraciones internacionales, viajeros y estudios culturales. Es autora de más de 100 artículos y 4 libros, entre ellos, Migración húngara a México entre 1901 y 1950 (2007, Premio Jacobo Goldberg, mención honorífica). Sus publicaciones recientes incluyen: Labor Migration Programs Within the Socialist Bloc. Cuban Guestworkers in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia and Hungary (Labor History 2021) escrita con Hana Bortlová-Vondráková y Relaciones frías en la guerra fría: Hungría y Nicaragua (Secuencia 2020).

Received 2022-04-17
Accepted 2022-08-24
Published 2022-12-14


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