Footballer Students Recruitment and the Examination of His Satisfaction the Metropolitan and in the Rural Academies’ Mirror

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Recently, research on hungarian football academies has become increasingly popular, although the Hungarian football academy’s system has a history of nearly 18 years in Hungary. However, research focusing on pedagogical aspects is still less preferred by researchers today, as academics have so far been less affected by such research, and the literature is limited in this regard. Our current research reveals the study of young footballers developing in these institutions. Specifically, our aim was to write the present study that with the help of fieldwork in the six academies of our choice (Debrecen Football Academy, Diósgyőr Football Academy, Békéscsaba Football Academy, Károly Sándor Football Academy and Hungarian Football Academy) there, in the context of capital and rural institutions.

For our research we used the questionnaire survey method, which allowed us to speak to a total of 560 young footballers.

On the basis of our results, we found that in several cases significant differences between the responses of the footballers in each academy. Significant differences were found between the institutions regarding the recruitment of footballers (p = 0.000), the satisfaction of the students with regard to the equipment (fields, changing rooms, equipment) of each institution (p = 0.000) and the professional skills of their coaches (p = 0.004).

With the help of our results, we can gain insight into the specific world of each football academies, and we can know the views of young people about the state of supply and shortcomings of the academies.


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How to Cite
Rábai, D. (2019). Footballer Students Recruitment and the Examination of His Satisfaction the Metropolitan and in the Rural Academies’ Mirror . Iskolakultúra, 29(10), 85–97.


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