Longitudinal study of the norms of high school classes – results of the firt two years

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Janka Gajdics
Flórián Gubics
Barbara Horvát
Katalin Vatai
Éva Szabó
Balázs Jagodics


Problems of student misbehavior are part of a widely researched area. Therefore it is important to explore in a broader context which factors may contribute to the observed emerging behavior in a classroom.
Results of numerous research claim that students’ individual behavior is formed not only by their personal beliefs, but also by the perception of norms accepted by their peers. Moreover, it is also important to focus on the role of teachers’ perceived burnout, because those students’ motivation and engagement can be lower whose teachers seem unmotivated and distant. The goal of our study was to explore ten secondary technical school classes’ community development in a longitudinal design in 9th (N = 247) and 10th (N = 231) grade. Using survey method the norm system of the classes were explored beside perceived teacher burnout and goal orientation.
Results showed that pluralistic ignorance appeared in both grades, which means that students assess their classmates’ personal norms wrongly, thinking that the class community accepts misbehaving, contrary to their own beliefs. The injunctive norms of positive behaviors were linked to mastery-approach goals, while in the case of negative behaviors classmates’ perceived attitude and teachers’ perceived burnout was correlated.
These results support the suggestion that social factors could influence personal behavior and motivation.
Moreover, based on results it seems that processes in student-teacher relationship mutually effect those emotional and motivation state, who take part in the teaching situations. These results suggest that supporting the development of classroom communities is important because it could be beneficial regarding the efficiency of school work in the long run.


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Gajdics, J., Gubics, F., Horvát, B., Vatai, K., Szabó, Éva, & Jagodics, B. (2020). Longitudinal study of the norms of high school classes – results of the firt two years. Iskolakultúra, 30(3), 18–34. https://doi.org/10.14232/ISKKULT.2020.3.18


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