Women, movements, cultural sociabilities

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András A. Gergely


Among the social movements of historical ages, characteristic women's movements not only reflected the presence of intentions illustrating social existence of everyday femininity, elements of the culture of etiquette and behavior, or their epoch-making models, but were „stratum-specific” forms of the aristocracy's educational principles, role-consciousness, as well as the family-specific values and aspirations of the bourgeois and other strata. The recently published volumes complement our previous understanding with many features of social role characteristics, pedagogical patterns and lifestyle “sets”, which together make the specific internal history of feminism and elite-aspirations more complete and richer in details.



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How to Cite
A. Gergely, A. (2020). Women, movements, cultural sociabilities. Iskolakultúra, 30(7), 108–120. Retrieved from https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/iskolakultura/article/view/33411


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