Adaptation of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale questionnaire and the investigation of its structure with factor analysis

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Noémi Huszka
László Kinyó


Attachment relationships that develop in childhood significantly determine an individual’s future social behavior. The beginning of the school years results great changes in the development of the child's social relations (Vajda, 1997). Regarding the basic safety needs of children, Brent (2010) emphasizes the importance of teacher support in addition to parental support. In the last decade, the investigation of the student-teacher relationship, which is often measured using the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS, Pianta, 2001), has become a central theme of many researches. The applicability of the questionnaire has already been examined in several European countries, involving societies with considerable social, cultural and educational differences (e.g. Greece, the Netherlands). The current study presents the reliability, validity and applicability of the Hungarian version of the STRS questionnaire. In our research, 14 teachers, who are teaching in the lower grades of primary schools in Hungary and Vojvodina filled out the STRS questionnaire about 183 students. Exploratory factor analyzes showed that an appropriate and acceptable factor structure can be achieved through leaving out five items of the instrument. Excluding five questionnaire items, the reliability of the questionnaire (α = 0.82) is adequate, and all three subscales identified in the theoretical model (conflict, closeness and dependency) are reliable. Based on our results, STRS also proves to be a suitable tool in the Hungarian educational environment in the study of the student-teacher relationship.


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How to Cite
Huszka, N., & Kinyó, L. (2020). Adaptation of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale questionnaire and the investigation of its structure with factor analysis. Iskolakultúra, 30(6), 67–81.


Az absztraktokban található hivatkozások:
Brent, J. (2010). The Effects Of Parent-Child And Teacher-Child Relationships On Diverse Children’s Transition To School. PhD-thesis. Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto, Toronto.
Pianta, R. C. (2001). Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: Professional Manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. 2.o.
Vajda Zsuzsanna (1997): A társas kapcsolatok és a viselkedés fejlődése kisiskoláskortól serdülőkorig. In.: Mészáros Aranka (szerk.): Az iskola szociálpszichológiai jelenségvilága. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest.