Digital changeover − the experience of the first week

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Fekete Mariann


Due to corona virus pandemics, in numerous countries of the world schools closed for a while, digital education and distance learning was introduced in order to reduce the danger of infection. The extent of the adaptation to the new education system for schools, teachers and pupils depends on the features of the given country’s education system, the proportion of GDP spent on education, the degree of the digitization in the given country, the availability of IT devices for teachers and students, how competent teachers and students are in terms of possessing computer skills, and  what their issue-related attitude and motivation is. In this study, I attempt to map the opinions of teachers, students and parents appearing in social media about the lately and quite quickly introduced, “forced” digital education in Hungary. Also, I endeavour to describe the emerging patterns and to observe problems with sentiment analysis.


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Mariann, F. (2020). Digital changeover − the experience of the first week. Iskolakultúra, 30(9), 77–95.
körkép: oktatás járvány idején


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