Empirical study of student dropout theoretical and methodological frameworks

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Anikó Fehérvári
Éva Magyar
Krisztián Széll


The introductory chapter of this thematic issue presents the background of a complex research study that aims to analyse school dropout in Hungary. Based on international empirical research results, our study tests a complex model that was developed on the basis of a systematic analysis of the international literature of this topic, on which we built a suitable, primarily quantitative methodological framework. In the past decades, systematic literature reviews have come to the foreground in studying school dropout, which differentiate between individual, family and school factors among its causes. In our research study, we applied this categorisation and investigated it from multiple perspectives. In addition to outlining the theoretical framework of our research, this article presents the methodological background of our empirical study based on this framework, conducted in academic year 2018/2019, using convenience student (n=1.953) and teacher (n=1.136) samples and online data collection technique.


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How to Cite
Fehérvári, A., Magyar, Éva, & Széll, K. (2020). Empirical study of student dropout : theoretical and methodological frameworks. Iskolakultúra, 30(8), 3–20. https://doi.org/10.14232/ISKKULT.2020.8.3
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