Correlation between using smart phones, YouTube and teenagers’ attitude and norm system with self-esteem and students’ burnout Serdülők online normarendszere

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Ágnes Hegyi
Balázs Jagodics


Background and aims: Psychological research started to focus on the effect of growing use of internet and social media platforms in the past decade. Adolescents are the most researched age group, as they use internet and social media on a daily basis, which have negative consequences as too much smartphone use, addictions and mood disorders. Youtube is one of the most relevant social media platforms for adolescents, as it is among the most popular sites in this age group. In light of these, our study aimed to explore the social norms for smartphone and Youtube usage, and their relationship with student burnout and self-esteem.

Methods: 476 students participated in the study (14-20 years) using online survey method. The following scales were used: Smartphone use and Smarthpone Attachement, Student Burnout Inventory, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and norm exploration for Youtube.

Results: The results proved that the most popular social media platform among Hungarian adolescents is Youtube. Explorative factor analysis differentiated between positive and negative online behaviors based on students’ perception regarding this site. Correlation analysis showed that student burnout and mobile attachment is positively related, while mobile attachment and self-esteem is negatively correlated. The results of norm exploration showed that pluralistic ignorance is present online, which means there is considerable difference between personal and perceptual norms.

Discussion: The results of the study proved that online platforms and video sharing sites are important parts in students’ life. Additionally, similar phenomena of social psychology are present online as in reality. Behaviors that are perceived to be accepted by peers can influence individual behaviors. Our study can help to gain better understanding of the effects of online surfaces, and their relationship to individual and school factors. These results may establish future intervention and prevention methods.


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Hegyi, Ágnes, & Jagodics, B. (2020). Correlation between using smart phones, YouTube and teenagers’ attitude and norm system with self-esteem and students’ burnout: Serdülők online normarendszere. Iskolakultúra, 30(12), 59–80. Retrieved from


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