Correlation of university students’ norms with motivation and perceived teacher burnout

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Balázs Jagodics
Éva Szabó


Background and aims: Studies show that academic achievement is not only linked to personal competencies, but also may be influenced by social factors. Social norms can be differentiated as descriptive, personal and prescriptive norms, which refer to the frequency of behaviours, the individual’s attitude and the beliefs about views thought to belong to  group members. Different norms influence personal behaviour together, which can lead to conformity. As the relationship of academic motivation and norms among university students is less researched in Hungary, the aim of our study was to explore university students’ descriptive, personal and prescriptive norms.

Methods: Online survey method was used. 337 university student participated voluntarily in the study. Demographic questions, a 23-item norm exploration scale, an Achievement Goal Questionnaire and a Perceived Teacher Burnout Scale were used in the study.

Results: Data showed that there are big differences between occurring frequencies when different behaviours are concerned. . Predominantly negative behaviours, which imply cheating and decreased motivation, were perceived to occur rarely. The analysis supported the hypothesis that pluralistic ignorance is present, thus there is a significant difference between personal and prescriptive norms. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three factors: positive, negative and prosocial norms. Moreover, the analysis revealed significant differences between genders in personal attitudes: positive behaviours were favoured by women, while negative behaviours were more approved my men. Mastery approach goals were associated with positive norms, while perceived teacher burnout was linked to negative behaviours.

Conclusions: The study supported the presumption that motivation and perceived teacher burnout are linked to social phenomena. Pluralistic ignorance was identified in case of most behaviours, which can explain how negative norms that decrease performance spread in communities of university students. The results of the study may be important in understanding dropout among university students.


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How to Cite
Jagodics, B., & Szabó, Éva. (2021). Correlation of university students’ norms with motivation and perceived teacher burnout . Iskolakultúra, 31(7-8), 28–46.


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