Distance learning for under-privileged students during school closure of COVID-19

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Ágnes Kende
Vera Messing
József Balázs Fejes


School closures due to COVID-19 pandemic in the spring 2020 has disproportionately affected socially disadvantaged students. However there is hardly any empirical scientific knowledge available about the actual impact of the lock-down for disadvantaged and Roma students in Hungary yet.  The aim of our research was to fill this gap and to investigate the first experiences of online schooling with a special focus on students living in socially challenging environment. The core of the research is an online survey filled in by 425 teachers of schools delivering to socially disadvantaged students during the first two weeks of April 2020. The survey was complemented with interviews with school principals as well as leaders of Roma and pro-Roma NGOs. Our data support the initial hypothesis that socially disadvantaged students were significantly more likely to drop out of online education than their middle class peers. According to teachers' account the most important barriers to online schooling for this group were the lack of proper learning space at home and the lack of skills necessary for independent learning. Poor internet access and lack of proper equipment (laptop, computer etc.) were also mentioned but as more marginal issues. The situation of socially disadvantaged and/or Roma students living in small villages of rural areas were especially critical: here the share of drop-outs was even higher than in urban environment and the quality of teaching was especially poor. Online teaching was not possible in many cases and students were sent tasks and tests offline on a weekly basis by the school. Without the support of their parents, many of those who possess low education, the development of basic skills was unlikely. Based on our data the further increase of inequalities in education is forecast.


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How to Cite
Kende, Ágnes, Messing, V., & Fejes, J. B. (2021). Distance learning for under-privileged students during school closure of COVID-19. Iskolakultúra, 31(2), 76–97. https://doi.org/10.14232/ISKKULT.2021.02.76

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