Experiences of quarantine education inside and outside segregated areas - based on 18 student and parent focus group discussions

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Szilvia Németh
Richárd Rajnai
Ádám Cziboly
Ádám Bethlenfalvy


The biggest recent challenge for the Hungarian public education system was the introduction of online education in March 2020.It has also provided a lot of lessons: how to reorganize the teaching / learning process in digital space, how teachers’, parents’  and students’ roles are transformed; whether communication processes between the actors of public education has changed, and what characterizes the “school” media use in the changed circumstances. In the mean time we also sought answers to these questions when we conducted empirical research, which aligned with international research of standards, among children aged 13-17 about online learning and Internet using habits of.

Based on the results of focus group interviews, the present study introduces and interprets new media usage patterns typical of three months of online education, different parenting, student and teacher experiences, and typical socio-culturally defined problem-solving strategies.


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How to Cite
Németh, S., Rajnai, R., Cziboly, Ádám, & Bethlenfalvy, Ádám. (2021). Experiences of quarantine education inside and outside segregated areas : - based on 18 student and parent focus group discussions. Iskolakultúra, 31(6), 17–34. https://doi.org/10.14232/ISKKULT.2021.06.17


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