The impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on the digitization process of teacher training

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Attila Rausch
Helga Misley


The digital revolution in the 21st century has a significant impact on higher education, especially on teacher training, and the Covid-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for this process. Institutions needed to find and apply digital solutions in a short time to implement distance or hybrid education as efficiently as possible. Yet, this has highlighted the importance and need for digital competence. The development of lecturers' and students' digital competence determined the quality and effectiveness of the education supported by digital technology. It also showed the inequalities of access and skills, while forcing everyone to learn, to try new tools and methods. The aim of our study is to place the distance and hybrid education of the pandemic, and its experiences in the digitalization process of higher education presenting the effects on certain areas of students' and teachers' digital competence. We also look at the longer-term directions and suggestions we can outline from the experience of the past year. Institutions need to pay attention to reducing digital inequalities between students, which is particularly important for students in the teacher training programs.


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Rausch, A., & Misley, H. (2021). The impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on the digitization process of teacher training. Iskolakultúra, 31(6), 62–71. Retrieved from


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