Preschool teachers’, primary school teachers’ and parents’ perceptions on school-readiness

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László Kálmán
Edit Tóth


The transition between preschool and school is a critical period in children’s life as well as in formal education and it also it determines long-term school achievement (Szabó, 1979; Zombori, 1998; Gill, Winters & Fried-mann, 2006; Pintér, 2007; Kozákné, 2011, Markovits, 2012, Kis 2012). Preschool teachers’, primary school teachers’ and parents’ synchronous work is needed for successful kindergarten-school transition, which is influenced by how stakeholders think about this period, more precisely about school-readiness. The literature draws attention to the importance of this topic (Lin, Lawrence & Gorrell, 2003; Hair, Halle & Humen, 2006; Cappelloni, 2011), however this problem has been scarcely researched by including three stakeholders’ group at the same time in Hungary (Gyurcsik, 2020). The present study focuses on preschool teachers’, primary school teachers’ and parents’ views on school-readiness. By creating three questionnaires and administering these in a pilot study the first steps have been taken towards examining the understanding of the wide-range of skills and abilities which are determined by Hungarian and international literature and are examined by school-readiness instruments. This work aims to shed a light on how important teachers and parents find the level of different cognitive skills, motoric areas and non-cognitive skills for successful start of school and whether their views differ in these areas. Teachers and parents included in this research find that children’s social and spiritual development, thus learning, commitment towards gaining knowledge, task management and self-service are more important than cognitive areas. These findings are in line with international trends. The present research also showed that out of the two investigated teacher groups preschool teachers thought that higher ratio of children in their preschool groups are less ready for schoolwork. They see the biggest weakness in children’s social development and task management.


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Kálmán, L., & Tóth, E. (2021). Preschool teachers’, primary school teachers’ and parents’ perceptions on school-readiness. Iskolakultúra, 31(09), 3–24.


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