Diversity and inclusion at the University of Pécs - results of an exploratory research

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Aranka Varga
Kitti Vitéz
Krisztián Széll


The study relies on Hungarian and international research that introduce diversification as a tendency in higher education institutions, and in relation to that detail the practise of increasing inclusivity. The situation-revealing research applies the process-oriented model of inclusion that helps the analysis of different student groups, based on the admittance (possibilities to enter), the process (successful advancement) and the outcome (indi-cators of success) at the University of Pécs. The analysis includes students (N: 68,602) and training programs (N: 83,067) between the years 2010-2019, based on data collected from the Neptun database. The background factors of the analysis were the diverse student groups (prioritized groups: students with learning-mental disor-ders, with disadvantaged background, handicapped and international students), the given benefits (scholarship, dormitory) and the status of the training. The results are visualized on a timeline and on faculty level to high-light the decrease of certain student groups (i.e.: those with disadvantaged backgrounds) and the increase of others (international students). The supporting effect of the given benefits became apparent in the advancement in studies. Based on the data of diploma acquisition, it is transparent that prioritized students are less successful if the training is longer – which supports the necessity for inclusive development in the institution. The present study focuses on the most salient tendencies, however the database offers further possibilities for tracking the learning-process of the analysed groups, which could also explain some tendencies introduced above.


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Varga, A., Vitéz, K., & Széll, K. (2021). Diversity and inclusion at the University of Pécs : - results of an exploratory research. Iskolakultúra, 31(09), 45–62. https://doi.org/10.14232/ISKKULT.2021.09.45


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