Teaching literature – expectations, roles, models, approaches Investigation of teachers’ views with concept map

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Rebeka Herédi


The present study has two main sections. The first part, which is theoretical, summarizes the needs behind educational transformation (globalization, social needs and expectations) and how the transformation is affected by the school system, tradition or teachers’ belief systems. Some literature teaching models and approaches are also listed which can be interpreted as the paradigms of teaching literature. The second part, which is empirical, analyses concept maps. After analysing the maps, we draw conclusions about the preferred teaching methods, as well as about the teachers' views on the aim of teaching literature and possible (teacher and student) roles during education. Conceptual maps were integrated into models of Antal Bókay and the approaches of Alan C. Purves. Our long-term plan is to examine correlations between students’ reading habits, attitudes regarding reading, the literature and teachers’ belief systems. Our overall research tools include a student questionnaire, a semi-structured teacher interview, and an unstructured concept map.  In this ten teachers’ concept maps are examined. Maxquda2022 software was used to analyse the maps.


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How to Cite
Herédi, R. (2022). Teaching literature – expectations, roles, models, approaches: Investigation of teachers’ views with concept map. Iskolakultúra, 32(5), 110–126. Retrieved from https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/iskolakultura/article/view/43890