Developing inductive reasoning in an educational robot-assisted development environment

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Tamás Majzik
Gyöngyvér Molnár


The impact of an inductive reasoning (IR) development programme for young schoolchildren based on educational robotics is evaluated and results are reported in the present study. IR is not only a fundamental skill for learning and applying knowledge, but also a teachable and developable one. Educational robots could be among the 21st-century tools to imrpove IR by. In this research, we used Blue-Bot, Codey Rocky, Edison and Ozobot robots to develop IR skills among young students. The programme was used with first to fourth graders (N=18) for four weeks. The control group consisted of learners who were similar in terms of background variables and ability level after student-level matching (N=90). The effectiveness of spontaneous and school-based implicit and explicit development during the time interval noted above was measured using an online IR test at the beginning and end of the research (Cronbach’s α=0.88). There was no significant difference in the pre-test performance of the experimental and control groups [Mcontrol=46.72%, Mexperimental=46.80%, t(106)=0.017, p=0.987]. In terms of the ability being tested, the average performance of both control and experimental groups showed significant change and improvement during the development period. This means that the age of the sample was sensitive to the development. Members of the experimental group performed significantly higher on the post-test than those in the control group [Mcontrol=57.71%, Mexperimental=61.16%, t(106)=1.676, p=0.097]. The effect size of the programme was Cohen’s d=0.75 (p<0.01). The findings of the study suggest that with the application of properly integrated learning methodology principles, the motivational basis for educational robotics can be used to effectively improve lower-grade school students’ IR skills with no more than one month of targeted development. It is vital to improve these skills since they are a key for learning and applying knowledge.


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Majzik, T., & Molnár, G. (2022). Developing inductive reasoning in an educational robot-assisted development environment. Iskolakultúra, 32(7), 69–83.

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