Success of math learning in the light of the sensorimotor and cognitive profile of school-age children

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Éva Gyarmathy
Zsófia Gyarmathy
Imre Kökényesi
Judit Pap
Zénó Szabó
Mónika Turmezei


In our research, we follow the progress of primary school pupils in different areas. We first assessed the sensorimotor and cognitive abilities of 415 children starting school and compared these profiles with their teachers’ assessment of their level of academic success in mathematics. The Sensory-Motor and Cognitive Profile Test is a tool for teachers to obtain information on children’s developmental profiles in order to use the results to plan personalised approaches to mathematics learning. Test results show that 20% of children do not have the mature working memory, sensorimotor and cognitive functions that are essential for learning mathematics. Only 53% of first graders were able to master the material well. The groups of first graders who failed or performed very poorly in mathematics in the first months of school differed from the better performing groups on all observed variables. The results confirmed that the most critical area, along with abstract thinking and quantitative reasoning, is working memory. A number of sensorimotor areas, such as body schema and spatial orientation, seriality and even balance, are among the areas that need to be improved in order to give children a chance of making acceptable progress in mathematics.


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How to Cite
Gyarmathy, Éva, Gyarmathy, Z., Kökényesi, I., Pap, J., Szabó, Z., & Turmezei, M. (2023). Success of math learning in the light of the sensorimotor and cognitive profile of school-age children. Iskolakultúra, 33(8), 3–18.

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