Relevance of the Relationship Between Rural Development and Tourism

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Ádám Kálmán Sánta


There have been scientific discourses for decades about the definition and
conceptualization of the rural areas, as well as the re-structuring and differentiation of rural areas. For this, we do not find a uniformly accepted definition. But there are much more precise concepts and modifications for how to boost a declining rural area. Numerous national and supranational programs have been developed to revitalize these regions. As agriculture and industry are not as dominant in the rural areas as they have been in the past decades, the opportunities offered by the service sector can also offer opportunities for developing these regions.
The aim of this article is to approach the toolbox of rural development from the perspective of tourism.
The interpretation of the concept of rural development is put into context, how tourism can be involved into this, what benefits can rural tourism bring to the declining rural spaces, and from what total performance can those areas partake in Hungary, that want to be boosted by rural tourism.


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How to Cite
Sánta, Ádám Kálmán. 2020. “Relevance of the Relationship Between Rural Development and Tourism”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 15 (1-2):91-109.
Sustainable and intelligent development