Encountering symbols - their helpful presence in everyday life

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Tímea Mária Hevesi


In many cases, our subconscious mind has an unpredictable influence on our thinking and decision-making. Our subconscious is a more hidden, deeper level, which also contains the context of phenomena. On the one hand, symbols are linked to the subconscious through their multiple meanings.  On the other hand, symbols appear in the reality of our everyday life, so that they form a bridge between the unconscious and the visible reality. In our study we look at symbols that we often encounter in our everyday lives. We analyse the "messages" of the symbols, we interpret these messages at a cognitive level, and the symbols become more meaningful to us. In this way, the thought-provoking, multi-layered meanings of the symbols, linked to the events of our everyday lives, give us the opportunity to understand these events in a deeper, more contextual way.

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How to Cite
Hevesi, T. M. (2023). Encountering symbols - their helpful presence in everyday life. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 3(ksz), 82–86. https://doi.org/10.14232/kapocs.2023.ksz.82-86
Essays, papers
Author Biography

Tímea Mária Hevesi, University of Szeged, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education

SZTE JGYPK Szakképzési, Felnőttképzési és Tudásmenedzsment Intézetben dolgozik adjunktusként. Fő kutatási területe: a szimbólumok pedagógiai alkalmazása.