"La Corona de Hungría" of Lope de Vega in Search of Translator Stefan Zweig's Lost and Found Donation to the National Theatre of Budapest

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Eszter Katona


Hungary became one of the fictional locations in the dramaturgy of the Golden Age and it was Lope de Vega who most often chose this setting. We could assume that these “comedias húngaras” captured the attention of Hungarian Hispanists but it was not exactly the case. Among the 25 Hungarian-themed dramas, the only piece that was translated and premiered in Hungary was El animal de Hungría. However, La corona de Hungría had bigger press coverage in Hungary. The copy of the manuscript of this comedy was a donation of Stefan Zweig, and was sent in 1935 to the National Theater of Budapest. The aim of this article is to summarize the enigmatic fate of this lost and then found manuscript and to call attention to the fact that there are no Hungarian translations of Lope de Vega’s “comedias húngaras”.


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How to Cite
Katona, E. (2019). "La Corona de Hungría" of Lope de Vega in Search of Translator: Stefan Zweig’s Lost and Found Donation to the National Theatre of Budapest. Acta Hispanica, 24, 125–136. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2019.24.125-136
Author Biography

Eszter Katona, University of Szeged

Eszter Katona es profesora titular del Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad de Szeged. Doctora en historia con la tesis Relaciones entre Italia y España en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (2005). Desde 2005 sus investigaciones y publicaciones se centran en la obra de Federico García Lorca, el teatro español de los siglos XX-XXI y la recepción húngara de la literatura española con especial atención a la recepción de la obra de García Lorca. Es autora de dos libros sobre Federico García Lorca, una monografía sobre el teatro de la memoria y traductora del español al húngaro de cinco dramas contemporáneos.

Received 2019-07-29
Accepted 2019-10-28
Published 2019-12-16


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