Weekend Hungarian schools and kindergartens from a closer look: The Hungarian School and Kindergarten in Tel Aviv and its role in the development of the Israeli Hungarian linguistic landscape

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Viola Vadász


The Hungarian School and Kindergarten in Tel Aviv is a relatively new, but more active member of the weekend Hungarian schools and kindergartens operating in similar organizational frameworks around the world. Neither the official Hungarian affiliated organizations (Prime Minister’s Office/the State Secretariat for National Policy, the Hungarian Diaspora Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Balassi Institute), nor the schools and kindergartens affiliated with the network have accurate data on these institutions and their number; The approximate number of Hungarian schools and/or kindergartens currently operating on weekends is around 170-200, some of which use this word in its official name, while others operate as associations, schools or online. It is certain that technical tools and forums have made them increasingly visible and accessible to those who consider the care of the Hungarian language and culture important abroad. They were created by individuals, groups, cultural institutes, consulates or embassies, and became part of the local community of the diaspora Hungarians. The Hungarian School and Kindergarten in Tel Aviv has been in its present form since 2014. An important element of its existence is to promote a more conscious use of language amongst generations and families and an easier and more flexible connection to the culture of origin.


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How to Cite
Vadász, V. (2020). Weekend Hungarian schools and kindergartens from a closer look: The Hungarian School and Kindergarten in Tel Aviv and its role in the development of the Israeli Hungarian linguistic landscape . Iskolakultúra, 30(4-5), 84–104. Retrieved from https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/iskolakultura/article/view/33211


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