Study paths of students with disabilities in the light of higher education administrative data

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Anett Hrabéczy
Gabriella Pusztai


The focus of our research is on the students who are called students with disabilities by the current Higher Education Act in Hungary. The actuality of examining students with disabilities in higher education is that after the millennium, the number of these students increased at universities as a result of the expansion of higher education. But Hungarian law only deals with their presence since 2007. Earlier research have studied the accessibility and inclusive practices of the institutions internationally and nationally, but little attention has been paid to their academic career and study success. For this reason, our study examines the study paths of students with disabilities in higher education using quantitative research methods, analyzing the complete statistical data of the higher education information system. In our research, we sought to answer the question of the rate and risk of drop-out in higher education in the studied group. According to our results, students with disabilities have a better chance to get admitted from settlements with more favorable status. Among them, male students are more likely to enter higher education, but women are more likely to graduate. Students with disabilities more often over-run, while they use less passive semesters, and the drop-out rate is lower among them.


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How to Cite
Hrabéczy, A., & Pusztai, G. (2020). Study paths of students with disabilities in the light of higher education administrative data. Iskolakultúra, 30(11), 3–23.


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