Fundamental issues of atypical development (Part 2) Az atipikus fejlődést befolyásoló idegrendszeri fejlődési zavarok klinikai összefüggései

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Enikő Györkő


Atypical development is caused by the interaction of innate and environmental factors. Certain hypotheses aiming at explaining atypical development have different understanding of the etiological background. These alternative interpretations led to various methods which helped to achieve deeper understanding of developmental disorder. Moreover, it is a well-known fact that neurological dysfunctions can cause delay in the postnatal development of the nerve system thus leading to atypical development. Symptoms of severe disorders overlap causing numerous anomalies, hence their understanding is essential for special education and in choosing the right psychological therapy.


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How to Cite
Györkő, E. (2020). Fundamental issues of atypical development (Part 2): Az atipikus fejlődést befolyásoló idegrendszeri fejlődési zavarok klinikai összefüggései. Iskolakultúra, 30(11), 95–107. Retrieved from