Results and lessons learned from the analysis of video interview lesson plans
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The MTA-SZTE Oral History and History Education Research Team has developed lesson plans to provide encouragement and methodological assistance for the use of sources of narrated history. The developers were asked to use video interviews to match the following strategic aims: developing historical thinking and attitudes; motivating student activity; shaping students' view of history. The aim of the study is to analyze and evaluate how lesson plans took advantage of the historical didactic possibilities inherent in the sources of narrated history and to what extent they achieved the didactic goals.
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How to Cite
Kojanitz, L. (2021). Results and lessons learned from the analysis of video interview lesson plans. Iskolakultúra, 31(11-12), 54–78.
Tematikus blokk: Elbeszélt történelem a történelemoktatásban