Holocaust education using multimedia tools

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Mónika Mezei


The Visual History Archive of the USC Soah Foundation Institute contains approximately 53.000 video testimonies of holocaust survivors, rescuers and liberators. Using these testimonies has opened up new perspectives in Holocaust education. This study reveals the pedagogical aims and advantages of using video testimonies compared to traditional education.

Research conducted by The Oral History and History Education Research Group (OHERG) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at the University of Szeged analyze what  skills and attitudes can be evolved by integrating multimedia tools and oral history in the education of 20th century traumas. Results of quantitative and qualitative questionnaires until now have shown the efficacy of using multimedia tools in developing skills of empathy, social tolerance and solidarity, responsibility and critical thinking.


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How to Cite
Mezei, M. (2021). Holocaust education using multimedia tools. Iskolakultúra, 31(11-12), 39–53. https://doi.org/10.14232/ISKKULT.2021.11-12.39
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