Nutrition education as value transfer in school

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Anna Kiss
Sándor Soós
Zoltán Lakner
Orsolya Tompa


The importance and characteristics of health education have been developed and described in detail in the field of education, but nutrition education as a part of health education has not been presented yet. The aim of the research is therefore to present the role and possibilities of nutrition education as a value transfer in school. Also, to describe the theoretical basis of nutrition education and the place of healthy nutrition in the value system. School education is the base for healthy eating behaviour and is the prerequisite for this behaviour’s development. Nutrition education in school is presented in two forms: school catering and related school reforms, and nutrition education interventions. School plays a prominent role in changing children’s eating behaviour as one of the most important socialization areas and helps to develop preventive health behaviour.


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Kiss, A., Soós, S., Lakner, Z., & Tompa, O. (2022). Nutrition education as value transfer in school . Iskolakultúra, 32(2), 3–20.


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