Exploring cyberbullying, burnout and self-esteem among university students

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Anita Prajda
Balázs Jagodics


In our study N=251 university students filled out questionnaires which investigated cyberbullying, burn-out and the relationship of these with self-esteem and learning motivation. Participants’ age was between 18-47; they were full-time- or corresponding students or attending evening courses. Results showed that 8.9% of the participants were involved in cyberbullying at least occasionally. Victim- and perpetrator roles were interlinked as supported by literature. Gender differences appear only on the subscale for perpetrators. Cyberbullying was positively associated with student burnout. High burnout risk was identified among 14.4% of the participants. Although there was no significant gender difference on the whole scale, results show that women scored higher on emotional exhaustion scale, while reduced personal accomplishment was more common among men. Results prove the relationship between self-esteem, cyberbullying and burnout. Student burnout can be predicted by low self-esteem, lack of intrinsic motivation and amotivation. The last item has predictive power by its own right.


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Prajda, A., & Jagodics, B. (2022). Exploring cyberbullying, burnout and self-esteem among university students. Iskolakultúra, 32(2), 21–42. https://doi.org/10.14232/ISKKULT.2022.2.21


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