Attempts of restricting the professional authority in the secondary school teacher training after the great war

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Imre Garai


Modern professional occupations including the professional groups which exercised authority over secondary teacher training emerged in Hungary in the second half of the 19th century. Their professional field was monopolized by the bureaucratic regulatory system of the state thanks to the close cooperation between the ministerial branch and the professionals. However, this partnership broke up during the Great War and the era following it. In this study, through the personal nominations of the secondary teacher training institution, the initiated changes in the curriculum of the teacher training institution and the reform of the training of PE teachers are investigated from the perspective of whether the professional group scrutinizing the secondary teacher training were deprofessionalized as a result of the endeavour of the state to intrigue into the internal affairs of the teacher training institutions. The current paper intends to present the preliminary results of a research project, which could be labelled as a deductive and idiographic type of investigation based on the examination of archival and secondary types of sources. Document analysis of archival sources and secondary literature review were employed as primary methodologies. Out of the main research questions of the research project, the analytical aspect of revealing the nature of the connection and its changes between the Ministry of Religion and Public Education and the professional institutions of secondary teacher training are investigated in this study. The previously mentioned measures almost resulted in the dissolution of the boundaries of the theoretical-ideological frames of secondary teacher training, which were solidified before 1920 and played a crucial role in monopolizing the scrutiny over secondary teacher training. Additionally, the cessation of the previously established ideological background of the teacher training could have led to limiting the operation of professional institutions based on professional competencies. Thus, it would have resulted in an immediate deprofessionalization of the professional group. Even though the professional institutions managed to evade the immediate deprofessionalization through a fortuitous involvement of an influential politician, who was in favour of the argument of the professionals against the planned measurements of the ministry. Still, this did not result in decreasing the recurrence of state intrusions in the rest of the Horthy-era.


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Garai, I. (2022). Attempts of restricting the professional authority in the secondary school teacher training after the great war. Iskolakultúra, 32(10), 62–76.

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