Developing outside-class, self-regulated vocabulary learning from secondary-school teachers’ viewpoints Cognitive, motivational and pedagogical interrelations and effects

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Szabina Ádámku


Self-regulated learning, that is, controlled outside-class learning processes, has been gaining more and more ground with today’s information and technology development. It is especially true in the field of English language acquisition, within which vocabulary learning is one of the most important aspects. As self-regulated learning (SRL) can be developed (Lewis & Vialleton, 2011), pedagogy plays an essential role in the promotion of students’ outside-class learning processes, the success of which may be influenced by effective strategy use. This strategy use can be promoted by teachers. The present quantitative questionnaire study inquired about the in-class developmental processes of self-regulated vocabulary learning (SRVL) and its underlying factors, such as perceived opportunities and feasibility, as well as self-efficacy and motivation for developing SRVL, among Hungarian secondary-school English teachers (N = 86). The results show the teachers’ positive attitude towards the development of SRVL but indicate lower averages regarding the actual developmental mechanisms. However, teachers who develop SRVL proved to apply all scrutinized mechanisms; they develop both self-regulated learning strategy use and vocabulary note-taking processes, moreover, they equally track these activities of their learners. Several connections and effects were significant between the development of SRVL and its underlying factors, which proves the importance of teachers’ perceptions, self-efficacy beliefs and motivation in their development and promotion of SRVL. Although the sample size and the self-selective participation in the study does not allow for generalization to the population, the results carry certain implications in the topic, regarding, for instance, educational activities and teacher training; furthermore, they can serve as directions for further investigation.


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How to Cite
Ádámku, S. (2023). Developing outside-class, self-regulated vocabulary learning from secondary-school teachers’ viewpoints: Cognitive, motivational and pedagogical interrelations and effects. Iskolakultúra, 33(5), 46–62. Retrieved from


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