Knowledge? What sort of? Where from? How? Secondary students about relevant knowledge

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Éva Balázs


In this qualitative study, five groups of 17–18-year-old secondary school students were interviewed to explore their concept of relevant knowledge, the sources, and ways of acquiring these. The knowledge, skills, and patterns of behaviour and attitude the students in the five focus groups considered valid and useful from the point of view of their approaching independent lives show the influence of social environment, their immediate milieu, and the characteristics of their generation as well. The most important sorts of knowledge for them are the following: computer and foreign language skills, good social interaction, and getting on with everyday life. The study presents the students’ opinions about the importance of those skills, the process of acquiring them, and the people taking part in the process. Among the resources of knowledge, the study analyses institutional knowledge transfer and the present-day role of schools with special regard to the experiences of online education during the 2021 COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite
Balázs, Éva. (2024). Knowledge? What sort of? Where from? How? Secondary students about relevant knowledge. Iskolakultúra, 34(2-3), 27–46.