Supplement for the history of Anthropology subject from 1997

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István Kamarás


In 1997, philosopher and sociologist Gábor Felkai published an article in the Catholic periodical Vigilia about the chapter on Man and Society of the 1995 National Basic Curriculum. He states that the chapter was conceived in the spirit of monologic communication, individualism and moral relativism, but at the same time, Felkai does not deal with the content of the curriculum. On the other hand, the author (the developer of the current chapter), based on the analysis of the text of the curriculum, shows that it is characterized by an intersubjective approach in which community, family and national heritage are emphasized phenomena. It is based on the values of consensual ethics, such as health, well-being, unity, freedom, knowledge, conscientiousness, responsibility, unconditional sacrificial love. Then, political science analysis was used to demonstrate Felkai’s anti-liberal, apologist-defending and enemy-seeking approach.


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How to Cite
Kamarás, I. (2024). Supplement for the history of Anthropology subject from 1997. Iskolakultúra, 34(2-3), 133–136.