Statistical evaluation of heavy metal content in some capsicum varieties available on the Romanian market
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The aim of this study is to emphasis the heavy metals content in seven capsicum varieties of capsicum of the specie Capsicum annuum L., available on the Romanian market. From the analyzed Capsicum fruit samples, three Capsicum assortments were cultivated in Romania and the other four were imported from Italy and Turkey. The studied heavy metals (copper, zinc, manganese, iron, cobalt, lead, nickel, cadmium and chromium) have normal concentration values that are not of any risk to human health. Cadmium is not detectable in all studied samples. The heavy metal content associated with statistical analysis programs permits the identification of characteristics specific to the origin of products and the graphical chemical fingerprint of the studied capsicum species. The chemical fingerprinting of a plant demands the determination of a large number of elements (DJINGOVA ET AL., 2004). The study is revealing similar distribution pattern.
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Nica, Dragos, Florin Nicolae-Ciobanu, Aurica Breica Borozan, Luminita Pirvulescu, Simion Alda, Filimon Nicoleta, and Despina-Maria Bordean. 2012. “Statistical Evaluation of Heavy Metal Content in Some Capsicum Varieties Available on the Romanian Market”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 1 (1. suppl.):186-91.