Millenium I Psychology at the millenium Part I.

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Csaba Pléh


The review paper analyses changes during the last decades of the message and working style of psychological research. The three explanatory models of psychology, the neural, the evolutionary, and the social explanations  are tied to each other in new manners. An elaborate evolutionary  psychology appeared that aims to encompass social life and social explanations as well.  Evolutionary  developmental (EvoDevo) conceptions position mental life in a neurosocial model and in  an evolutionary model that is extended  to culture as well. As a result of the refined innatist  argumentation all of this is accompanied by psychogenetic that unite  the universal and individual differences related genetic traditions.


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How to Cite
Pléh, C. (2019). Millenium I Psychology at the millenium : Part I. Iskolakultúra, 29(9), 69–100.