The environment of mathematics education Mathematics teachers’ perception about the characteristics of the education system

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Fanni Dudok
Réka Dudok


Several possible strategies have been developed to study the relationship between effectiveness and education, in reports and case studies. In all cases, the aim of the research was to uncover the factors that hinder or facilitate the effectiveness of the education system of a country. In addition to changes in educational systems, mathematics education has also undergone changes in Hungary. In mathematics education, the success and efficiency of a country depend on a number of interrelated national characteristics and decisions. The results of international measurements in mathematics provide information for professional development, curriculum development and system development, providing information for policy makers. The aim of our research was to examine the current situation of mathematics education in Hungary, the documents and regulations in force. After a comprehensive analysis, our study was narrowed to grade 8. In our study we ask mathematics teachers in Hungary with a closed, anonymous questionnaire about the country’s education and the situation of mathematics education (how it works in practice). The questionnaire was based on the results and lessons learned from previous researches. The data collection took place on an online platform for teachers who teach mathematics to 1315-year-old students. The results show that teachers expressed a need for a higher number of lessons in mathematics, as well as for a greater influence in the curriculum, which would affect their attitudes positively.


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How to Cite
Dudok, F., & Dudok, R. (2020). The environment of mathematics education: Mathematics teachers’ perception about the characteristics of the education system. Iskolakultúra, 30(1-2), 14–28.


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