Why do Language Learners Choose Supplementary English Language Shadow Education? Results of a Survey in the North-East Part of Hungary
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In recent decades, the demand for English language proficiency has significantly increased in Hungary, leading many students and their families to engage in shadow education to enhance learners’ English skills. Research on shadow education generally discusses subjects that contribute to students' academic progress. However, there is relatively little data specifically on supplementary private English language tuition. In our quantitative study, based on convenience sampling and using our self-developed measurement tool, the correlation between participation in supplementary private language tutoring as well as the language learning aspirations of students aged 16-20 (N=1010) was examined. Despite the fact that language learners primarily participated in supplementary private language tutoring to obtain a B2-level language examination certificate, our principal component analysis, which identified three factor groups: exam-oriented, career-oriented, and internationally-oriented, supports our hypothesis that the primary reason for participating in private language tutoring is related to students' career orientation. The language exam certificate merely served as a tool to achieve their further education goals. The results of our research raise questions about how the higher education admission procedure as per Goverment Decree 423/2012. (XII. 29.) modified under Government Decree 339/2022. (IX. 7.), might affect the extent to which language learners participate in supplementary private language tuition. Based on our findings, language learners currently engage in shadow education mainly to obtain the intermediate-level language examination certificate. However, we assume that in the future, supplementary private language tuition will primarily be used to prepare for the advanced-level language matriculation and the C1-level language examination, rather than for the B2-level language examination, as a means of supporting students’ career aspirations.
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A Kormány 339/2022. (IX. 7.) Korm. rendelete a felsőoktatási felvételi eljárásról szóló 423/2012. (XII. 29.) Korm. rendelet módosításáról. Magyar Közlöny, 2022 (145), 6068-6075.
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