Knowledge transfer in elementary Mathematics education

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Szilvia Petzné dr. Tóth
Viktória Csiszár


Questioning the traditional forms of teaching and learning, we embarked on a research based on project work and knowledge transfer. Current educational research emphasizes knowledge transfer and lifelong learning during education. Our educational development activities are related to the development of thinking. Do the children manage to use what they learned in math class to solve problems in everyday life? In order to find this out, we plan to carry out a measurement with the children to see which types of tasks they solve more accurately and with greater success in the usual educational environment. The more traditional tasks given with mathematical formulas, or those embedded in textual tasks and real situations. Based on the results of the measurement, we make suggestions and project ideas so that they can find mathematics in everyday life and become more successful task and problem solvers during their lives by developing problem-solving thinking.

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How to Cite
Petzné dr. Tóth, S., & Csiszár, V. (2023). Knowledge transfer in elementary Mathematics education. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 3(1), 133–147.