Is This Really the Best Way? Generational differences in the perception of online research methodology

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Hetesi Erzsébet


Is This Really the Best Way? Generational differences in the perception of online research methodology


For several decades, trends in research methodology have indicated that traditional quantitative and qualitative procedures are being replaced by the online world. However, the world of digitization also raises many contradictions, doubts, and dilemmas in the field of research methodology. Big Data is one of today's greatest opportunities, and according to others, its greatest danger. Since even the smallest detail of our lives can be measured, converted into data and used, Big Data hides extremely important ethical questions and dangers in addition to its opportunities. However, those who live under the spell of Big Data rarely talk about its ethical issues, privacy rights, data security, and the exploration of the "dark side" related to the use of eye cameras, webcams, or even neuromarketing is similarly restrained. The alternative qualitative research methods appearing alongside Big Data are perhaps even more popular with the younger generation, while they also come with countless disadvantages, risks, and damage to data and information. The study points out that most of the new possibilities are not new at all, but were used decades ago, and draws attention to the disadvantages and risks of the new procedures.


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How to Cite
Erzsébet, H. (2023). Is This Really the Best Way? : Generational differences in the perception of online research methodology. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 3(1), 17–28.
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Author Biography

Hetesi Erzsébet, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Hetesi Erzsébet a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kara Üzleti Tudományok Intézetének egyetemi tanára. Szakterülete a fogyasztói és B2B marketing, valamint a marketingkutatás Kutatási területei közül az elégedettség, lojalitás kérdéseivel foglalkozott, és e témákban publikált rendszeresen. Több hazai és nemzetközi szakmai szervezetnek, és folyóiratok szerkesztőségének tagja.