The effect of foliar fertilization on the yield and quality parameters of maize grain

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Péter Jakab
Gábor Zoltán
Dávid Festő
Levente Komarek


In our small plot experiment, we examined the effect foliar fertilization on the yield and quality parameters of maize grain in 2016. The experiment was set in three replications, random blocks on the area of Tangazdaság Ltd. in Hódmezővásárhely. The soil of the experiment was meadow chernozem. We sprayed out three different foliar fertilizer products individually and combined with each other as well, so there were six treatments and the control to be examined. The year 2016 was favourable for maize production. In 2016 the amount of precipitation in the vegetative period of corn was higher by 23.7 mm than the average. We processed the obtained data by single factor variant analysis. We obtained 11.37 t/ha in control treatment, and with the foliar fertilization the yield ranged between 11.61-12.86 t/ha. The foliar fertilization products increased the yield of corn, but this difference was not significant. By the application of foliar fertilization, the qualty parameters of maize grain improved in many cases. Our scientific results proved, that foliar fertilization had god effect on the yield and quality parameters of maize.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Jakab, Péter, Gábor Zoltán, Dávid Festő, és Levente Komarek. 2018. „The Effect of Foliar Fertilization on the Yield and Quality Parameters of Maize Grain”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 6 (1-2):195-99.

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