The examination of certain psychological resources of students with learning difficulties The characteristics of self-efficacy, responsibility and proactive attitude

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Krisztina Virág
Réka Dudok
Éva Szabó


In our research we examined the psychological resources of students with learning difficulties and of normally developing students. Our main aim was to explore the psychological resources of children with special needs who require particular attention and treatment in public education. In our study, we examine the general self-efficacy, the general and academic responsibility, as well as the proactive attitude of students with learning difficulties. Furthermore, we compared results of students with learning disability and with learning difficulties (N = 51) and normally developing students (N = 51). Results of the comparison of two groups of students’ scores showed that students with learning difficulties have lower general self-efficacy scores, and have higher scores in sense of responsibility than students in the control group. Based on these findings, we believe that in order to overcome learning difficulties it is important to give more attention to psychological resources and it is necessary to explore all aspects of this issue.


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How to Cite
Virág, K., Dudok, R., & Szabó, Éva. (2019). The examination of certain psychological resources of students with learning difficulties: The characteristics of self-efficacy, responsibility and proactive attitude. Iskolakultúra, 29(9), 38–50.

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