Advantages and disadvantages of the musical profession form directors’ point of view

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Judit Váradi
Bella Emerencia Héjja
Tímea Szűcs


In our country little attention has so far been paid to the secondary level of artistic education, even though its professional quality determines the quality of artistic higher education and the quality of future artists and music teachers. Secondary education is not only a transition between primary and tertiary education, but also a predictive force for the future of music education. In our research we compiled a questionnaire for the directors of the high schools specialised in music (n=17). In addition to objective data, directors answered open ended question which reflect their opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of the music field and the possibilities of popularizing the field with answers to open questions. These arguments may prove decisive in students’ career choices.


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How to Cite
Váradi, J., Héjja, B. E., & Szűcs, T. (2024). Advantages and disadvantages of the musical profession form directors’ point of view. Iskolakultúra, 34(5), 84–94.

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