Mentor and Social Support as Factors of Resilience and School Success Analyses of Life Narratives of University Students from Marginalized Roma Communities

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Anett Rusznák
Gabriella Pusztai


Hafičová, Hedviga; Dubayová, Tatiana; Kovács, Edina; Ceglédi, Tímea; Kaleja, Martin (2020): Mentor and SocialSupportasFactors of Resilience and SchoolSuccess: Analyses of Life Narratives of University StudentsfromMarginalized Roma Communities.Warsaw, Poland: OśrodekWydawniczo-Poligraficzny „SIM” Hanna Bicz.


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How to Cite
Rusznák, A., & Pusztai, G. (2025). Mentor and Social Support as Factors of Resilience and School Success Analyses of Life Narratives of University Students from Marginalized Roma Communities. Iskolakultúra, 35(1), 100–103. Retrieved from

Funding data


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Pusztai, G; Engler, Á (szerk.) 2014. Comparative Research on Teacher Education. Ruzomberok: Verbum

Pusztai, G; Engler, Á; Revák Markóczi, I (szerk.) 2015. Development of Teacher Calling in Higher Education Nagyvárad-Budapest: Partium Press-Új Mandátum

Hafičová, Hedviga; Dubayová, Tatiana; Kovács, Edina; Ceglédi, Tímea; Kaleja, Martin (2020): Mentor and SocialSupportasFactors of Resilience and SchoolSuccess: Analyses of Life Narratives of University StudentsfromMarginalized Roma Communities.Warsaw, Poland: OśrodekWydawniczo-Poligraficzny „SIM” Hanna Bicz.